Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Where were you when I laid the earth's foundations?

Job 38:4

Job suffered greatly.

Job was suffering so badly that he wanted to die.

He even wondered why he didn't die in his mother's womb.

He despised the day of his birth.

Why then did you bring me out of the womb? I wish I had died before any eye saw me. (Job 10:18)

This is a similar lament to that of Jeremiah whose suffering also resulted in this cry of despair that he didn't die in his mother's womb.

Cursed be the day I was born! May the day my mother bore me not be blessed! (Jeremiah 20:14)

For he did not kill me in the womb, with my mother as my grave, her womb enlarged forever. (Jeremiah 20:17)

In all this, God's answer is this.

Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. (Job 38:4)

The answer to this question is Job wasn't there when God laid the foundation of the earth.

Job doesn't understand how God laid the earth's foundation.

Job is not as wise as God

Job is not as loving as God

Job doesn't understand how God created everything that has been created.

God perfectly understands how He created everything that has been created.

Job doesn't understand everything.

God understands everything.

Job doesn't understand why he's suffering so badly that he wants to die, and even wishes that he was never born.

God understands exactly, and yea perfectly, why Job is suffering.

God brought suffering to Job.

Job doesn't understand why God did it.

But God understands exactly why He brought suffering to Job.

Job suffered.

God knows Job suffered.

There's a reason and purpose for it.

Job didn't know how much of an impact his suffering would bring about in the millenia to come.

How many millions of people around the world would find great comfort and reassurance from knowing that they're not alone in all this.

That God is present and that God knows all our suffering and that God Himself suffered.

Jesus suffered.

He died on the cross.

He suffered greatly.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
Isaiah 53:5

He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed.
1 Peter 2:24

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